Coconut whipped cream
Coconut whipped cream
Living the Green Life
Next Tuesday is my friend's birthday and that means time for a party! Because my family lives in Utrecht and it is a long drive to us, we celebrate it...
Macros(per serving)
82% (27 g)
7% (5 g)
11% (8 g)
Next Tuesday is my friend's birthday and that means time for a party! Because my family lives in Utrecht and it is a long drive to us, we celebrate it, just as we did with my birthday, in Utrecht with my grandfather. Weeronline says it will be a wonderful day so I think we should dust off the barbecue and make it a delicious dinner party. My family does eat meat and fish so it is a mix between vegan food and non vegan food. Of course I take on the first part. I love vegan bbq food, baked potatoes, spiced corn on the cob, guacamole, vegetable skewers, vegan wraps, grilled and stuffed peppers, vegetable burgers and I think for the occasion I also make mini pizzas (this doesn't really fit but oh what I'm looking forward to that!) We are about 15 people and I am so excited to see the table, all that delicious food makes me a happy person! A birthday of course includes a delicious bday cake. Because I will already be busy with the preparations for the barbecue, I want to keep the cake simple. Maybe a tasty banana cake or a raw apple pie. The only requirement that I have received is: it must contain whipped cream. Cream cakes have always been a favorite of our family. Nuts on the side, soft cake on the inside and a big dollop of whipped cream on top. And just think that I was healthy because: "There was also fruit on it ?!" How I can laugh at myself when I think back. Anyways, the whipped cream .. Last week I was trying to make whipped cream myself, nothing animal and therefore no milk, like healthy and sugar free. How happy I am to report that this challenge was also successful! I made whipped cream myself and guys .. it was super simple! You just need a can of coconut milk, seriously? YES! Serious! Nice huh!
Macros(per serving)
82% (27 g)
7% (5 g)
11% (8 g)
Prep time
1 min
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Paleo, Vegetarian, VeganCourse
Snack, Side dishCooking equipment
Hand mixer